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Phonics, Reading, and Meâ„¢ demonstrated Promising Evidence ESSA Level III Learn More

Spot Check: Words

Why It Works

In Spot Check: Words, students use both hands to type rows of grade-level appropriate, high-frequency words. Speed is measured in Words Per Minute (WPM) and accuracy is measured by the percentage of correct keys hit.

How It Works

  1. Type each row of words as quickly and accurately as possible.

On the Stage

Why It Works

  • Builds typing fluency of words, numbers, and short phrases
  • Includes fun facts about famous people
  • Expands fluency using capitals, punctuation, and action keys
  • Increases cross-curricular, content knowledge
  • Provides snippets of music from famous musicians

How It Works

  1. Type the name of a famous musician.
  2. Type the birth date of the famous musician.
  3. Type the birthplace of the famous musician.
  4. Listen to the music.

Not the Same

Why It Works

  • Practices word and sentence typing skills
  • Exposes students to a variety of fun topics
  • Expands fluency using capitals, punctuation, and action keys
  • Increases cross-curricular, content knowledge
  • Builds understanding of antonyms
  • Makes connections between vocabulary and images

How It Works

  1. Type the first title and corresponding paragraph.
  2. Repeat for the second title and corresponding paragraph.

Shift for Capitals

Why It Works

  • Builds fluency with typing capitals using the Shift key
  • Practices typing complete sentences
  • Uses proper ending punctuation
  • Enhances space bar fluency
  • Connects vocabulary to images

How It Works

  1. Type the first sentence.
  2. Repeat for each additional sentence.

Spot Check: Sentences Speed and Accuracy

Why It Works

In Spot Check: Sentences, students are assessed on using both hands to type individual sentences. This Spot Check measures student accuracy with punctuation and use of the space bar. Students speed is measured in Words Per Minute (WPM) and accuracy is measured by the percentage of correct keys hit.

How It Works

  1. Type each row of sentences as quickly and accurately as possible.

Bits About It

Why It Works

  • Develops fluency for typing sentences
  • Builds space bar fluency
  • Practices appropriate use of capitals, punctuation, and action keys
  • Builds connections between content and images

How It Works

  1. Type the first part of a sentence.
  2. Then type the second part of a sentence.

Slide It Over

Why It Works

  • Practices fluency with typing words, phrases, or sentences
  • Expands fluency using capitals, punctuation, and action keys
  • Increases cross-curricular, content knowledge
  • Expands vocabulary
  • Makes connections between vocabulary and images

How It Works

  1. Type the first words or sentences.
  2. Repeat for each section of content.

What’s It Mean?

Why It Works

  • Build fluency with typing words, sentences, and paragraphs
  • Makes connections between vocabulary and images
  • Expands fluency using capitals, punctuation, and action keys
  • Increases cross-curricular, content knowledge
  • Builds vocabulary

How It Works

  1. Type each sentence in the voice bubble.
  2. Type the vocabulary word and corresponding definition.
  3. Type the paragraph describing the vocabulary word.
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