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Teaching Tips

Top 5 Reasons We are Thankful for Handwriting

November 1, 2018

by: LWT staff

3 minutes

From the first time we pick up a pencil to begin learning to write our names, to the last answer we fill in on our final exam, handwriting is present. Handwriting is a timeless skill that spans a lifetime. Think about all the ways pulling out a pen has helped you over the years.

Since it is the month of thankfulness, we would like to share with you why we are thankful for handwriting. Read on to hear the top five reasons why we will never take it for granted.

1. Handwriting increases our knowledge and interest in various subjects.

Over 50% of classroom time is spent engaged in handwriting. It is still a major part of the learning process for elementary school students. Handwriting acts as a bridge to other areas of knowledge as learners take notes, participate in classwork activities and delve further into topics independently at home. Good handwriting allows students to explore their academic interests and eliminates distraction caused by printing difficulties.

2. Handwriting boosts your brain power.

Forming letters by hand stimulates beneficial parts of the brain including those associated with thinking, language and working memory. Students’ neurological capacity is both challenged and stretched when they write by hand. 

3. Handwriting fosters a love of literacy.

Handwriting, literacy and the brain are all related. The parts of the brain that are activated when writing by hand also benefit students during language arts writing. Students are better able to develop ideas for opinion/argument, narrative and information writing activities.

4. Cursive is fast and efficient.

Cursive is a great way to speed up writing. The faster you write, the more information you can write down or pass along. Many are discouraged from using the convenient writing style due to how it has historically been taught. In the past, every stroke had to be prim and perfect. The cursive of today is about doing what’s best for you and what helps you learn best. That’s why Handwriting Without Tears teaches vertical cursive.

5. Handwriting is a timeless skill.

Handwriting is a skill that lasts a lifetime. Learning it and mastering it are a huge step in laying the foundation for students to become confident communicators in every way. 

Practice gratitude—and handwriting! Have your students use their handwriting skills to thank someone special in their lives! Download our Thank You Cards to give children an opportunity to express gratitude to people they love.

Tell us why you are thankful for handwriting on Facebook and Twitter

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