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Teaching Tips

Distance Learning Without a Device

April 16, 2020

by: LWT staff

4 mins


Schools around the world are closed indefinitely and as an educator, you're doing everything you can to keep children learning at-home. But with so many children lacking access to reliable internet service and a digital device, how can we ensure we're reaching each and every child? 

Our new at-home learning packets were designed to need this exact need. These free, printable packets include materials that are developmentally appropriate and for children from transitional kindergarten through 4th grade and beyond. Available in English and Spanish, they'll help children retain and refresh concepts learned earlier in the year.

These packets are:

  • available by grade, Transitional Kindergarten through 5th,
  • provided in English or Spanish,
  • inclusive of both Print and Cursive, where appropriate,
  • black and white PDFs making it easy to download, print and copy, and
  • free!

Each packet includes:

  • An introduction Letter for Parents and Caregivers in English and Spanish.
  • Sample formation pages so that the caregiver knows what to say to their children.
  • Activity pages for all students, whether or not you are using the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.

For homes with access, you can direct caregivers to the Handwriting Interactive Teaching Tool.

There, you and families may sign up for a 90 day trial, free of charge. This will bring the activity pages to life with music, videos, letter formation tools and access to digital versions of the student editions. You’ll also find videos on the Distance Learning website to help you get started and teach remotely with this tool.

teacher page hitt

Click here to access all available at-home packets >>

We will continue to support and expand these at home resources as long as they are needed. Be sure to visit our Distance Learning page often to see what's new!

Thank you for everything you are doing to help children learn during these unprecedented times.

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