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After Proclamation 2019 will you have a handwriting curriculum that fosters literacy?

Explicit handwriting instruction is a key component of literacy success

You know handwriting is important!

  • Elementary students spend the majority of their classroom time using pencils and paper doing classroom work, taking notes, and completing tests
  • Students with fluent handwriting skills can focus on the content of their writing rather than how to form the letters
  • When handwritten assignments are perceived as something difficult, students lose motivation
  • Poor handwriting can have a negative impact on overall academic performance


Handwriting instruction embedded within ELA programs may contain handwriting worksheets and tips or even a workbook, but teaching handwriting is not a strength or a proven skill for these programs. Their handwriting student materials design and teaching is confusing, lacking developmental appropriateness and ineffective. Students using embedded handwriting will suffer from a lack of skill mastery and an inability to get their thoughts onto paper using handwriting as an automatic skill.


Proclamation 2019 is your schools’ opportunity to solve these challenges with Handwriting Without Tears. We have the handwriting curriculum needed to build confident, skilled writers with:

  • Step-by-step letter formation language and models on the page that make it easy for children to learn
  • Developmentally appropriate teaching sequence and scaffolding of skills
  • Practical applications of handwriting across subjects and appropriate rigor by grade
  • Robust variety of digital options for teaching each lesson that make it fun and fast to teach


The literacy proficiency of your students is at risk if scaffolded and explicit handwriting instruction is left out. We can help! Our award-winning, proven curriculum meets 100% of Proclamation 2019 handwriting TEKS.  Let your administrator know that you understand the importance of handwriting instruction and want to keep it in your classroom. 


Learn more about how Handwriting Without Tears can impact your students overall academic success.
Contact Scott Stewart at sends e-mail) or 301.841.1506 to request a presentation or curriculum samples.