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Report: Efficient and Effective Early Reading Instruction

While it's easy to take for granted, learning to read is a crucial gateway to future success. But today's educators are facing the sharpest decline in student reading achievement in more than 30 years. Surrounded by inequities, educators are now charged with deciding how to teach reading in a way that keeps the whole class on track for success.

In this research review, you'll discover the academic findings that demonstrate how efficient and effective instruction can be a practical outcome of the science of reading.

By Kathleen A. J. Mohr, Ed.D
Professor, School of Teacher Education and
Leadership at Utah State University

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We don’t have the time for approaches that are ineffective or difficult to implement.


Educators need to understand how children best learn to read, write, and communicate so all children not only have access to grade-level work, but have strategic ideas for how to motivate and involve children most efficiently and effectively to make up for the unfinished learning of recent years.

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