There's more to reading than simply reciting the words on the page. Professor Kelly Cartwright and literacy leader Leah Mermelstein are here to help us delve into the various processes that make reading happen. Through the active view of reading, educators can better align instructional practice with the evolving science of reading, learning to not only teach word recognition and language skills, but also the executive skills skilled readers need to succeed. Try the active view of reading with your learners using this handy model download. Watch Now!

Thought Leader: Kelly B. Cartwright, Ph.D.
Kelly B. Cartwright, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology, neuroscience, and teacher preparation at Christopher Newport University, where she directs the Reading, Executive Function, and Development Lab (READLab) and is a Research Scholar for the Center for Education Research and Policy. Widely published in national and international scholarly outlets, her groundbreaking book, Executive Skills and Reading Comprehension: A Guide for Educators, now in its second edition, is the first comprehensive text at this intersection.

Thought Leader: Leah Mermelstein
Leah Mermelstein is a literacy thought leader, published author, and writing, reading, and language development authority. For the past 25 years, she has provided professional development for teachers, nationally and internationally, translating literacy research and data into successful and impactful classroom applications. She has authored five instructional literacy books focused on deconstructing the reading and writing process and how to leverage reading to support writing and writing to support reading.

Get to Know the Host: Dr. Cheryl Lundy Swift
Cheryl holds a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership, is a distinguished educational leader, and has been recognized with multiple awards for her achievements. She served as the lead curriculum developer for Learning Without Tears' Get Set for School Language and Literacy curriculum, which received an AEP Distinguished Achievement Award, and was awarded the Investors Bank Educator of the Year Award.