Science of Reading + Writing: See how Handwriting Without Tears ©2025 brings them together.  Learn More

Why educators are successful

  • Only 5-10 minutes a day or 30 minutes a week
  • Teacher’s guides include teacher-led lessons on digital citizenship and computer readiness
  • Preview lessons and view progress reports on an interactive dashboard
  • Build computer-based testing skills to help students succeed in different testing environments
  • Cross-curricular themes to integrate with other subjects
  • Integrated assessments help track progress in speed and accuracy

Why students are successful

  • Grade-level appropriate lessons
  • Developmental progression of skills
  • Unique focus on pre-keyboarding motor skills
  • Engaging, game-based activities
  • Simplified approach to correct finger placement and two-handed typing
  • Self-directed lessons with helpful audio/video instructions and minimal teacher instruction time
  • Fun, integrated words per minute (WPM) and accuracy Spot Checks

Easy to set up for one student or many

  • Web-based for classroom and school-to-home connections
  • Use on PC/Mac computers, Chromebooks, iPads, tablets
  • Integrates with your Student Information System, including roster management and single sign on solutions
  • Compatible with iPad external keyboards with Apple Bluetooth