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Teaching Tips

Fun Writing Activity for Kids at Home: Keep A Journal (or Blog)

March 27, 2020

by: Todd Misura

2 mins


Journaling & Free Writing Activities

Unsure of how to keep your student(s) interested in writing while at home? Have them try writing a blog or a journal. Keeping a journal or blog might be the best way to keep track of this ever-changing world. Just like a photograph takes a snapshot of time, when writing they are taking a snapshot of how they are currently feeling. 

Direction for family or caregiver: to write a blog post, you need to write down events that are happening in your life right now. Unlike asking students to write a poem or write a short story, you're asking them to write a story about how they are feeling and what they are doing. To make this blog post more meaningful, it is best to add your feelings into your writing.

How Often Should Students Write in Their Journal?

You will need to write several times to make this blog work. However, some might wish to write daily, while others might want to write every other day. You are keeping a record of events over time, writing one day at a time, so that when you read it several months from now, you will have a running record of what was happening to you. 

Writing Prompts & Ideas for Kids at Home to Keep a Journal

If you are unsure about how to get started with journal writing, you might want to consider the following few starting words for a journal prompt: “I can’t believe it, we don't have school again today. I am….” or “I am so bored of staying at home again. I wish…”

How Long Should the Journal Entry Be?

Try writing at least four to five sentences for each blog posting. You might discuss what you have been doing instead of going to school. You might write about your concerns. You might even write about your joy of not attending school. Be sure to use words that describe feelings. “Happy,” “thrilled,” “bored,” “scared,” “excited,” or “sad” might be words you choose to use when writing about this situation.

Using Examples from At-Home Experiences

Try giving examples: “Even though I am home from school for the second straight week, I have become a LEGO building champion. I have built the greatest pirate ship ever.” This example provides emotion as well as specific details.

Direction for Students Starting a Journal

Get out your paper and pencil and start writing! Aim to write for 1015 minutes. Don’t worry too much about spelling since this is mainly a note to yourself. To make it better, have your parent, friend, sibling, or caretaker write his or her thoughts down as well. You could read your answers to each other afterwards.  

Use Creative Writing to Build Successful Communicators

Independent writing skills set children up for success in many different subject areas. It improves written communication and is a way to practice the mechanics of grammar and spelling. The Building Writers student editions from Learning Without Tears offers writing ideas to use throughout the year and from home. Get one of our journals or student editions today and your child can build handwriting fluency at the same time they develop important writing skills.

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