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Teaching Tips

Free Downloads for Young Reader's Day and World Kindness Day

November 13, 2018

by: LWT staff

3 minutes

What was your favorite book growing up? Do you remember how excited you felt when you knew it was time to read it yet again, staring at the images for hours all while your imagination soared and your young vocabulary grew? Today is Young Reader’s Day, a time dedicated to passing the same love of literacy down to your students.

Since Young Reader’s Day and World Kindness Day fall on the same day, we have created new free Building Writers activities for your students.


Literacy enables creativity of thought. While it is taught to students, you will find that many of them enjoy the liberty of critical thinking, and openly communicating their thoughts. Students will enjoy listening to and analyzing experiences different than their own, and find it exciting to tell their personal stories.

This enjoyment can be part of your instruction. You can use your creativity to brainstorm memorable literacy-centered learning that will stick with students for a lifetime.

Writing is the second main component of literacy after reading. Our Building Writers student editions assist educators with their uniquely designed lesson plans.

Building Writers student editions are a supplement to students’ main English Language Arts Curriculum and can be easily incorporated into structered writing blocks.They offer extra practice for narrative, opinion/argument, and information writing. Topics are cross-curricular and reinforce concepts taught in other subjects, such as social studies and science.

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